Local Governing Committee

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The Dean Trust Governance Structure

The Trust Board (“the Trustees) are responsible for governing the Trust and ensuring all legal and statutory requirements are met. Their role is strategic and by working closely with the Trust’s Executive Team they retain oversight of all strategic issues. The Trustees meet at least six times per year to discuss Trust business and strategically important issues. More information about the Trustees and Executive Team can be found here.

The Trustees have established a number of Local Governing Committees (LGCs) across the Trust. The LGCs consist of parents, staff and community governors who are tasked with supporting and challenging the headteacher and school leadership on a range of issues including; pupil performance, financial management and staff wellbeing. Each Local Governing Committee meets four times a year and is chaired by a community governor with the support from a Governance Professional employed by the Trust.

The West Hub Primary Learning Partnership is a joint Local Governing Committee for Blacklow Brow School and Park View Academy, chaired by Irene Tuzio. The Governance Professional who supports the LGC is Chelsea Ierston.

Within each Local Governing Committee there are several smaller subcommittees which focus on the following areas; Curriculum & Standards, Finance & Risk, People & Wellbeing, and Performance Management & Pay. Most subcommittees meet three times a year.


Governance Documents

The Terms of Reference for the Local Governing Committee and all subcommittees can be found here

All governors agree to adhere by the Code of Commitment and Conduct for Governors which can be found here


Committee Composition:

Local Governing Committee Membership

Local Governing Committee Roles


Governor Pen Portraits:

Blacklow Brow School LGC Pen Portraits 2022-2023


Meeting Schedule:

Governance Meeting Schedule


Committee Attendance:

WHPLP Governor Attendance Record 2022-2023

Governor Attendance Record 2021-2022

Governor Attendance Record 2020-2021


Register of Business and Conflicts of Interest:

WHPLP LGC Register of Business and Conflicts of Interest


Further Downloads

Click here to view The Dean Trust Scheme of Delegation, Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association as well as other Dean Trust Governance Documents.

Request for Copies

If you would like hard copies of any of the committee information, including minutes, please contact the committee’s Governance Professional.


To contact any member of the Local Governing Committee or the Governance Professional, please contact the main school number or office email in the first instance.





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