Year 2

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Welcome to Year 2

In year 2, the children have a very enriching curriculum. In year 2 the children are enthusiastic to learn about significant events from the past such as The Gunpowder Plot and Great Fire of London.

We reinforce many phonics skills in Year 2. We use the Read Write Inc Scheme. This is key to helping them move forward in their reading. Children are encouraged to read daily at home and enjoy our ‘rainbow worm’ reading reward scheme. This has a positive impact on the children’s enthusiasm to read.

In our maths lessons, we cover many areas in build up to the KS1 SAT tests. For example, place value, the four operations, fractions shape and measure. Our focus this term is addition and subtraction and understanding and using money, making the same amount in various ways. Children have recently developed their knowledge of place value, growing in confidence with partitioning 2-digit numbers.

The children have many online interventions including Purple Mash, Spelling Shed and Times Table Rock Stars. We use Purple Mash for our computing scheme and the children enjoy completing their weekly spelling tasks online.

Coming up in Autumn 2 we are researching our locality in our geography lessons and will be studying human and physical features. The children are looking forward to their upcoming Christmas performance and are all excited to start the Christmas nativity enrichment club! In Science this term we will be studying materials and their properties.




Y2 Curriculum Overview

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